Interview with vegan caterers Wild Pear Mallorca

Eloisa and Fiona wild pear

Wild Pear Mallorca is a pair of plant-based caterers who create delicious vegan dishes to order or to try yourself at home! We hear all about their story on how they got started with their vegan business in Mallorca…

Tell us a bit about Wild Pear Mallorca!

We are Eloísa & Fiona, the Wild Pear! As a team we are motivated by nutrition, preparing and delivering food that is vibrant, flavoursome but also fun for everyone to enjoy. Whilst keeping in the forefront of our minds three big reasons why we do what do : Our health, animal suffering and the environment. It makes us feel empowered that our food choices don’t just positively affect our health, but also impact our environment and the world around us, therefore we pride ourselves on using fresh, local and top quality produce. Ready to give Veg a shot? We provide exciting artisan vegan/plant based meals, easy recipes and tips on making the change.

vegan tortilla

How long have you been eating plant-based and what made you switch?

We have both been making changes to our way of living over the last few years. Eloísa & her family have been vegan for 4 years. 

What makes Mallorca a unique place for vegans? 

Mallorca offers so much locally grown food. There’s such a wonderful variety of fruit, vegetables, nuts & oils all produce right here on the island. The farmers markets are fantastic. 

What is your signature dish and why?

It’s a difficult decision! Probably our baked goods, such a Buckwheat & oat salted chocolate cookies & our caramel chocolate shortbread

What is your favourite local ingredient from Mallorca?

There are so many delicious local ingredients, it’s hard to choose! We love almonds & their versatility, you use them for flour, the oil & the whole nuts in so many ways! 

What has been your proudest moment during your career?

We have recently started this venture, so day to day there are moments of satisfaction seeing our business flourish and our customers happy.

If you had to share some advice for anyone thinking to start a vegan business in Mallorca, what would it be?

Go for it! We need to encourage & expand the availability of vegan products here on the island. Use local products, support Mallorca & keep your prices reasonable, a lot of people assume going vegan is expensive & it doesn’t have to be! 

vegan bake

How do you see the future of veganism in Mallorca? 

More and more places are adapting to offer vegan food & products. We have contributed to various cafes providing vegan options with our products. Also the community as a whole seems to be thriving.

Read our recent interview with Lalina, the vegan friendly wrap takeaway and dine-in cafe in Palma!